Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 2 of Being Mr. Mom

Life just got a whole lot more interesting around our house (and by interesting, I mean complicated). Val went back to work at the IRS yesterday. She works a seasonal job at the IRS and her shift is from 6pm to 2am. That means that I get to be Mr. Mom during the evenings.

After doing my regular job, I rush home to cook dinner (which Val has considerately set out on the counter for me to fix). Tonight I managed to pour pasta sauce down my pants leg and burn my finger on the oven. While dinner is cooking, I run up and down the stairs to see if the girls need help with their homework and to check email. On any given night, I go up and down the stairs at least ten times. Since soccer season is starting up, there are a lot of emails to send to make sure that girls get registered, referee courses get set up and that our pre-season league functions. Things will be even more exciting once all the spring activities get going. At that point, I will be driving kids to soccer practice and religious education in addition to fixing dinner and helping with homework. If I have to work late or go out of town, then things will get even more exciting.

The good part of this is that I get to connect more closely with our daughters. So far I have bounced on the trampoline with Stephanie two nights in a row. The bad news is that during the week, I really only see Val between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. The rest of the time, one or the other of us is either at work or asleep. The craziness is bearable knowing that it is just for a few months. However, it really gives me a lot of respect for what it must be like to be a single mom.

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