Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Tale of Two Sandwich Shops

I am not usually a big fan of the buy local movement. It brings to mind trendy, overpriced boutiques. However, there is one area where I am a true believer. There are two sandwich shops near my office. One is a corporate chain which advertises on TV a lot. The other is Thundercloud subs, a homegrown business, which according to company legend was started with a loan on a VW bug.

The biggest similarity between the two shops is that they both have a line out the door at lunchtime. However, there the comparison ends. At the corporate chain, the line is out the door because they usually don't have more than two sullen employees working the lunchtime rush, going methodically through their paces and occasionally disappearing into the back of the store. At Thundercloud, there are at least half a dozen tatooed, pierced, smiling employees making the sandwiches fly. The difference in atmosphere is remarkable. It makes me smile to watch the Thundercloud employees work their magic and to listen to the banter between them. I rarely have to wait more than ten minutes for a sandwich, which is helpful when my daughter texts me to let me know that she forgot to bring a lunch to school and that lunch period will be over in 30 minutes. Also, the sandwiches just taste fresher. The bread is delightfully chewy, the turkey is tasty and the Thunder sauce adds zest to the finished product.

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