Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Rancid Smell

This is the time of year that strains my sanity. Valeska works nights at the IRS from February through April. That means that I get to leave work early to ferry kids to religious ed and math tutoring, fix dinner and help with homework.

Last night I was trying less than successfully to multitask, simultaneously helping Stephanie with her math, working on a brief and fixing dinner when I noticed a strange smell in the kitchen. Actually I had noticed it earlier as I was running out the door to take Kristen to math tutoring. It was a strange rancid smell. I sniffed around the kitchen and determined that it was not coming with the stack of dishes in the sink. I thought I identified the smell as coming from the grease drippings we had stored in a can, but the smell continued. Finally, I tracked it down to the steamer. Last week I had steamed some brocolli for dinner. I forgot to pour out the water from the steamer. After a few days the leftover brocolli water had taken on the consistency and smell of a fetid marsh. Who would have guessed that brocolli water could go rancid?

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