Sunday, September 26, 2010

Living in a Facebook World

Every morning when I wake up, there are three things that I check when I have time:

1. My email
2. My bank balance
3. Facebook

Within my family, there are a wide variety of attitudes toward Facebook ranging from suspicion to apathy to constant use. I never really expected that I would use it as much as I have. Here is my story.

I first signed up for Facebook to interact with my kids. OK, really to spy on them. I had heard that lots of bad stuff goes on online and I wanted to make sure that I wasn't an oblivious parent. It wasn't that I wanted to dig into their personal lives, I just wanted to be on the lookout for invitations to parties with sex and drugs or soliciations from guys named Snake who had just gotten out of prison. (My trainer who likes to stoke my paranoia is constantly warning me about Snake).

That has never happened. However, it has helped our communications. I learned of my daughters' first boyfriends when they changed their Facebook status to "in a relationship." They will also post on their status when they are sad, feeling sick or concerned. Facebook has opened the door to some good off-line conversations which might not have happened otherwise.

The other thing that I found interesting about Facebook is not it is not just high school kids who use it. Many of my Facebook friends are people who I know from soccer. It is nice to be able to stay in touch with them even after their daughters stop playing. This summer I learned that a girl who Stephanie had previously played soccer with was going to Japan. Stephanie is obsessed with all things Japanese, so I passed it on to her. I don't know whether they ever followed up, but it would have been an interesting conversation. I also learned that one of the soccer dads that Iknow was in Kuala Lumpur this week for business. While this is nothing earthshaking, it is just interesting to know.

Sometimes Facebook will turn up some of the most random connections you might expect. From Facebook, I found out that one of the soccer moms I knew was a lawyer. Not only that, but we had had the same bankruptcy professor. What made that interesting was that Prof. Hillinger had been a visiting professor at the University of Texas when I took her class and that my friend had studied with her in Connecticut. Small world.

I really expanded my friend list in anticipation of my 30th high school reunion. I had a graduating class of over 800. I hadn't heard from many of them since high school. Facebook was a good way to try to jog my memory to remember who were all these people I went to school with. I have also added many of my Texas Lutheran classmates as Facebook friends as well.

Finally, I use Facebook to keep up with candidates and causes that I like. I follow both Ed Shirley, the St. Eds theology professor and Bishop Barbie, who is the Stephen Colbert of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.

I have to admit that most of my Facebook friends are more like Facebook acquaintances. However, it is so rare that we have time to organize a dinner party or interact with another person on something that doesn't involve school, soccer or church that it is nice to have that contact with other adults even if it is on a superficial level.

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