Saturday, August 9, 2008

McCain Upstaged by Paris Hilton

It is a good day in America when people still have a sense of humor. John McCain recently released an ad against Barack Obama which straddled the line between being irreverent and ugly. In the ad, Sen. Obama is compared to empty-headed celebrities Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. However, Paris responded with an ad of her own making fun of McCain's age and offering her own energy plan. The funny thing is that Paris's plan is one of the more sensible proposals offered in this campaign season.

Here is the McCain ad:

Here is the Paris Hilton reply (be patient, it takes a little while to load):

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

The competing videos pretty much speak for themselves. However, I'll say something anyway. McCain's ad made him look mean-spirited and took away from his message about Obama's policies. Paris's rejoinder was just plain funny and had more content than the typical campaign ad. It just goes to show that sometimes humor is the best response.

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