Friday, August 29, 2008

Nice Turn of Phrase

I missed most of the Democratic National Convention because it coincided with the first week of school and soccer practice. However, I came across a quote in the newspaper that bears repeating:

People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power.

--Bill Clinton

In one sentence former President Clinton managed to frame the Democratic view of what America should be in a positive manner, while offering an implied rebuke to the Republicans. Admittedly, it is an example of rhetorical overstatement, since Clinton himself used the example of our power in Bosnia and Kosovo. However, as someone who appreciates a nice turn of phrase, I note that it is economical in its use of words, it is symmetrical, it is positive rather than negative and it uses subtlety rather than a blunt instrument for its critique. Hats off to the author and to former President Clinton for delivering the line.

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